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New Laws 2021 Expert Speakers
Nathan Fletcher
Supervisor and Board Chair
San Diego County Board of Supervisors
Nathan Fletcher is the County Supervisor for San Diego’s 4th Supervisorial District. He was elected with 68% of the vote in November of 2018 and sworn into office in January of 2019 as the only Democrat on the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Fletcher is leading the way with his values and working to tackle some of our region’s biggest challenges with a focus
on behavioral health, child welfare and the environment.
Prior to his election to the Board of Supervisors, Nathan Fletcher showed a commitment to public service and leadership in tackling some of our toughest challenges. His life experiences range from leading classified human intelligence missions in combat zones and being decorated for valor under fire, to passing landmark legislation as a member of the California State Legislature, to training Nobel Prize winning human rights activists in the developing world.
As a County Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher is working with mental health experts to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to address the deficits and dysfunction in our behavioral health services system. He is raising the level of awareness about the effects of San Diego’s poor air quality and implementing policy to combat climate change. Supervisor Fletcher is also actively pursuing changes to the child welfare system to ensure every child has a loving and stable life.
As Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher has taken meaningful legislative action to help immigrants by introducing bipartisan solutions to address the migrant crisis in San Diego and take on the Trump Administration. His votes helped generate hundreds-of-millions of dollars for affordable housing, health care and community-based programs for seniors, low income families and children.
He is also working to prepare our region for its continued growth and prosperity by championing the expansion of our regional transit system, as well as new initiatives that help to attract and retain talent.
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